Promoting the value of the arts and arts education for all Kentuckians |
Get ready for Kentucky Arts Day! Join arts supporters from across the state on Thursday, February 13 for Kentucky Arts Day in a united effort to showcase the importance of the arts in your community and the state. You're encouraged to meet with your state legislators; attend an Arts Advocacy Update at 11:30 a.m. in Room 129 of the Capitol Annex and enjoy refreshments and a performance by Louisville Academy of Music students at a Public Reception at 1 p.m. on the Capitol Mezzanine. Full schedule and more information. Register now to participate in a Feb. 10 statewide virtual training call providing an overview, tips, and key information to help you prepare to talk with legislators about the importance of the arts and make the most of Arts Day! January NewsletterKY Legislative Leadership Update, Session Convenes January 7 ... New Study From AFTA Reveals Americans’ Opinions On Issues In The Arts ... KY Dept. Of Ed. Seeking Input On Assessment/Accountability Prototype... These stories and more in the It's International Creativity Month!The January KFTA Calendar has the scoop on grant deadlines, special arts days and more. Interactive version at | Get the Arts Plate! The Kentucky Arts Special License Plate is doing great! How many have you seen in your community? The plate is available at your county clerk's office and at A portion of each sale goes to KFTA to continue our arts advocacy efforts. How are Kentucky's arts nonprofits doing? KFTA surveyed 89 arts nonprofits from 35 counties regarding their local funding, audience strength, and financial strength. The presentation of results was recorded and can be viewed online: State of KY Arts Organizations 2024 join kfta and help speak up for kentucky arts!Individual membership is just $25 per year ($15 for students), with varying levels of support for organizations.Join us |
Kentuckians for the Arts is grateful for the support of its organizational members: